A Dose of Creative Medicine

Recently a friend and I explored a new art store that opened on North Avenue in Baltimore City. Walking amidst the paints, decorative papers, and array of colored pencils, I felt the gentle stirring of my slumbering creative soul. At a time when the word medicine is so strongly associated with ingesting something –  natural or pharmaceutical – to reduce symptoms, it is important to remember the other less tangible forms that medicine can take such as a deep breath, an experience in nature, or an out-pouring of thoughts onto a journal page. These experiences are nearly as capable of positively shifting your biochemistry as many drug agents.

Often I “prescribe” the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron for patients looking to incorporate creative elements along their healing path. This book was a saving grace to me during my naturopathic medical training, particularly the inclusion of “morning pages” (daily non-judgemental journaling) and “artist dates” (weekly self-adventures that support your creativity).  Taking yourself on an artist date is like taking a dose of medicine for your creative soul. Below are a few ideas for exploring the arts in Baltimore:

  • Strand Theater Company – A new theater company in Mount Vernon with an emphasis on producing plays by women. www.strandtheatercompany.org
  • American Visionary Art Museum – Current exhibit The Marriage of Art, Science & Philosophy. www.avam.org
  • The Walters Art Museum – Upcoming exhibition The Saint John’s Bible Feb 15th – May 24th. The first illuminated manuscript of the Bible created since the advent of the printing press 500 years ago. www.thewalters.org