Garden Views: Feeding the Need

One of Baltimore City’s most bountiful urban gardens is now on display right in front of City Hall (Fayette & Holliday St.). This is not the typical ornamental garden of petunias and begonias that cover many city plots, rather the City of Baltimore has invested in a vegetable garden to feed the homeless with fresh in-season produce. Created by landscape designer Angela Treadwell-Palmer, this garden was also made possible by numerous donations of plants and volunteer support.  To date, Angela calculates that 1,500 pounds of vegetables have already been harvested and donated to Our Daily Bread, a local soup kitchen that serves 700-800  meals per day. You may want to add this to your “list of attractions” as you tour visitors around Baltimore this summer!city hall garden 1

Do you have a garden story to share? Please send a photo and any comments about what inspires you to keep growing to